Lee Vision Associates accepts the insurance plans listed below.

We understand insurance coverage can be confusing so we invite you to call us with any specific questions you may have. If your insurance requires a referral from your primary care provider for specialist visits, please ask that one be issued to our NPI number: 1821603838. Be sure to bring your insurance cards with you so we can scan them into your chart, especially if your insurance has changed since your last visit.
Insurance Plans
- We are Tier 1 for the Jefferson and Virtua networks
- We do not accept the Aetna Better Health plan
Ameri Health
- We are Tier 2 for Advantage products
Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Including Independence and out of state BCBS plans
Cigna HealthSpring
Davis Vision
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey
- We are Tier 2 for OMNIA products
Horizon NJ Health
Keystone Health Plan East
- We are Tier 1 for Silver and Gold Proactive products
Keystone 65
- Including most Medicare supplemental plans
- For Medicaid dual eligible patients, we are unable to accept Keystone First, UPMC, and WellCare plans.
Personal Choice
Personal Choice 65
Tricare for Life
United Healthcare
- Call us about your specific UHC plan